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Writer's pictureSoundz Grate

There's Something Extraordinary about Blasé

Updated: Jul 30, 2019

Q: Artistry at it's finest is something that seems to radiate from you. From what I've noticed so far, you seem to be one of the few to be considered art incarnate. What inspires your many forms of art?

A: I feel like my biggest inspiration for everything I do is past experiences whether it be pain or joy, most of the time pain is my inspiration but sometime I experience the opposite lol, I just really love thinking outside of the box even when expressing something as simple as a break up.

Q: For your true fans that have been following since day 1, and to the new fans and supporters you will gain. How'd you get your name?

A: Well as many may know I have changed my rap name a bunch of times but Blasé has stuck with me because it really personifies how I feel about everything I go through on a daily basis. Like nothing is a surprise or shocking to me anymore when dealing with people in and out of entertainment so in a sense I have become nonchalant. Or Blasé to it all. Been there done that, ya know.

Q: What are your goals for the next few years entertainment wise?

A: Well I dabble in a little of everything so I am really hoping to explore all of my talents and show case them. Whether is be doing shows for my music or doing cameos in videos for my comedy I just want to dabble in it all. Working on a mixtape right now called "Before I Break". Don't have a release date on that though, but I got some songs in the works.

Q: In many of your songs, you tell stories instead of just putting words together that rhyme. Why not go with the status quo?

A: I feel like a lot of rappers have fallen from the story telling aspect of music in general. I like to make things people can bop too but also open your mind and let people know that there are others who go through similar experiences as them. Not every entertainer just smokes, drinks and smashes hoes 24/7, 365. And a lot of rappers become complacent and never let their fans into their world. I want my fans to be 100% all up in my thought process, whether I'm writing a song about something that actually happened to me or something that could possibly happen, ya kno

Q: Where are you from? Does your origin influence the way you make music?

A: Well I'm originally from Newark New Jersey but my family moved around a lot to different towns in New Jersey because we were broke and couldn't seem to stay in one place. So yea a lot of what I saw on the streets and experienced with friends and family is the reason I began writing and I love telling stories of my childhood as well. So yea Jersey is the biggest influence in many of my songs

Q: Out of your many talents, which would truly want to do all the time? Why?

A: I mean I really don't think I could choose just one because each one makes me who I am so if I were just to just focus on one I'd feel like I'd be missing out on opportunities that I could have gotten from my others but first and foremost I always identify myself as a rapper. Ya know music being my first love and what not.

Q: If you had the chance and could work with anyone, dead or alive... who would it be?

A: Wow just one person? Haha, ummmmm ok so Imma choose one of each dead and alive haha, so dead definitely Michael Jackson, he is my altime favorite musician and performer. I was definitely the kid trying to learn the moonwalk and belting out Michael Jackson songs while everyone else was singing the Thong Song by Sisqo haha. And alive I would say Eminem because he is my altime favorite rapper and a lot of my story telling style was built off of listening to Eminem in songs like Guilty Conscious, Mocking Bird, Toy Soldiers, Stan I mean the list goes on and on, the man's a freaking genius

Q: Any shout outs?

A: Yea I would like to give a shout out to everyone who picked on me in school and in my inbox right now tryna holla, true comedic relief of each day. And also to my mom who is the strongest women I know, without you none of this would even be fathomable, and to my fans, in every aspect of entertainment I am in because I do have some fans who hate my music but love my comedy so eh I still win haha

Q: Where can we find you on social media?

A: IG @Studda_Stud

Snapchat @Kyd_Lip

Twitter @Studda_Stud

Facebook @ Blase' Lip

Facebook Fan Page @Cardiac Kyd

Youtube @kyd_lip24

Soundcloud @Blasé

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